$30 for 3 Days of Fun!

PREGISTER NOW to enjoy hundreds of events: board games, card games, RPGs, miniatures, and more, February 17 to 19, 2023 at the Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West! Convention badges are $30 until December 31, 2022, and then the price goes up—so register now!

Important dates and reminders:

  • Dec. 13 - Magnetron Council Meeting, 7 p.m.

  • Dec. 31 - Last day to pre-reg at $30

  • Jan 1, 2023 - Pre-reg goes to $40

Con of the North is Minnesota's longest-running, all volunteer-run game convention. Join us for a weekend of games during President’s Day weekend (middle of February), in-person at the Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West and via Discord. We offer tabletop roleplaying, board games, card games, miniature wargames, live-action RPGs, networked computer games, and more!

Convention Dates

February 17-19, 2023

Friday: 12 pm to 2 am

Saturday: 8 am to 2 am

Sunday: 8 am to 10 pm

Advertise with Con of the North

Want to promote your business to gamers through the Con of the North? Click to learn about our advertising program!