Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions on answered here, please email the con at or come to main registration during the convention.
The purchase of the Con of the North badge admits one person to all basic activities and exhibits at Con of the North during regularly scheduled hours for the day(s) it is purchased. In accepting this badge the holder consents to being recorded (audio/visual) for exhibition by any media for Con of the North. Holder also hereby releases Con of the North from any liabilities for loss or damage to person or property, infringement of any right, or any other claim or course of action of any kind. Con of the North reserves the right to deny entry or remove from the event facilities any person won in Con of the North’s sold and absolute discretion is behaving or threatening to behave in a manner which Con of the North reasonably considers to be disruptive to the event.
What is with the Purple Vests?
Last year we debuted our new vests for our Magnetron Staff. They are the deep purple with reflective striping and “Staff” printed on the back. These are only worn by the Magnetrons while we are on duty or conducting official con business elsewhere in the hotel.
What do I need to know to attend the Con?
Our rules, regulations, and guidelines can be found on our website under Policies and Bylaws. If you have other questions before the convention begins, send us an email at If you're at the convention and have questions, just ask anyone with a "Magnetron" or a "Volunteer" badge and they will be happy to assist you.
How do I Preregister?
Preregistration opens July 1st. You will need to go to the TableTopEvents (TTE) page and create an account, you can find the link on our main webpage. Once you have an account you will be able to pre-register starting July 1st and GMs can start entering their games right away. From July 1st to October 27, the preregistration price is $40 for a GM, $45 for a player, and $2 for a Referee. From October 28 to December 31, the preregistration price is $45 for both GMs and players, and $2 for a Referee. Beginning January 1st through mid-January (check our website for exact date) the preregistration price goes to $50 for players and GMs. Afterwards, preregistration will be closed so we can get materials printed for the convention.
On-site Registration will open the Friday the convention starts with prices being $60 for a full weekend, $45 for Saturday/Sunday, and $30 for Sunday only.
Can I register and pay online?
Yes! We are accepting pre-registrations and payment through the TTE website.
What do I do if I want to run an event?
You must be registered for the convention to run games. Once registered as a GM, you can submit event proposals through TTE.
How do I sign up for games if I've already Pre-registered for the convention?
All games are listed on TTE with all relevant information (style of game, location, duration). Log in to your TTE account from your personal computer, smartphone, or one of the computers in the registration area and choose your games online. When you’ve finished selecting your games and checked out from the system (reminder: all games are at no extra charge!), you will then be able to see your complete schedule of games that you have registered for.
How/when do I pick up my Preregistration Packet?
The main Con of the North Registration area is located in the Fireside Lounge, just to the right of the hotel front desk. The Registration Desk is Will-Call only. No packets will be sent out ahead or after the convention. You can pick up your Preregistration packet during the Convention weekend at any time after 11:00 AM on Friday, and after 8 AM on Saturday or Sunday.
How do I Register Onsite?
Follow the signs for the location of the Registration Desk. Any time after 11:00 AM on Friday, and after 8 AM on Saturday or Sunday. Cash or credit card payments are accepted.
How can I get Event Tickets after I am at the Con?
All games are listed on TTE with all relevant information (style of game, location, duration). Log in to your TTE account from your personal computer, smartphone, or one of the computers in the registration area and choose your games all online. If you absolutely need physical tickets, please see the registration desk.
"Did I Get Into (insert event name here)?"
On your TTE account it will show your events under the Attend Tab > My Schedule.
How do I locate the game I signed up for?
All game locations will show on your e-ticket on your phone. (If you do not have a smartphone, please see the registration desk).
Is there space for open gaming?
We typically have a few free tables if you want to run an impromptu game. Please ask at the Registration Desk and our staff can see if there is a space for the period you need and to avoid getting bumped for a scheduled game. You must be registered to run/play games, even for the open gaming spaces.
How can I volunteer?
Con of the North is run ENTIRELY by volunteers, and we would love your help! The registration system has two-hour time slots for volunteering. Simply choose which works with your schedule. If you have spare time during the Con stop by the Registration area and see if they would like an extra hand. We also need hands to help with set-up on Thursday evening and take-down on Sunday evening. Please contact us at if you would like to volunteer before/after the con. Otherwise, you can find a staff/volunteer after 5 p.m. on Thursday during set-up and offer to help. During the weekend of the con, you also also can stop by the Registration Desk in your spare time and see if there are open slots for you to lend a hand. Please contact us at if you would like to volunteer before/after the con or have any questions.
Is there different pricing for children or families?
Everyone is welcome. There are several games offered each year that are child-focused. However, Con of the North has one price for admission for all regardless of age or number of games played.
Special needs accommodations
We will make every effort to accommodate any special needs. Please contact us at or come to the main registration area during the convention.
How do I get Convention updates during the year?
It's easy! Subscribe to our newsletter on the main page or join our Facebook group at Specific questions can be emailed to Please make sure to include a general topic in your subject line.
Can I park my vehicle at the Con?
We have limited parking (see map below). Please consider carpooling if possible. Parking is available in the hotel’s parking lots and ramp, in the Atria parking lot on Campus Drive, and street parking on Xenium Lane and Campus Drive.
Where can I find a map of the hotel and parking areas?
There will be maps of the hotel posted around the hotel itself, or click here MAP OF HOTEL
GM Prep Area
We're pleased to provide a new GM Prep Area on the second floor, in Studio 17, and the outside area. These areas are reserved for Game Masters and Referees only, so they may have a quiet space to prepare for their upcoming games. You can find the location marked on the map at the back of the onsite guide book.
Quiet Spaces?
Are you in need of just a bit of a quiet space? There will be a small lounge area outside Studio 17 (GM Prep Room) and outside the Computer Rooms H & I that will have some comfortable chairs set up. These are some quieter spaces for the con if you just need a little time to get away from the hustle and bustle of the convention and note: This space is not available for open gaming.
COVID-19 Policy
At this time, Con of the North 2025 will not be requiring masks, nor proof of vaccination in regard to COVID-19, however Con of the North does reserve the right to change the policy throughout the year per Federal, State, County and City guidelines/recommendations, and/or if membership deems necessary. Con of the North strongly suggests those who wish to mask during the convention to do so. -Updated 6/13/2023