Engagement Roles

Learn about all the ways you can participate at Con of the North.


Registering as a player gives the attendee the ability to select and play in hundreds of games that are available. Preregistration before December 31st is only $45 for a whole weekend of games and fun. January 1st the price goes to $50.

Register on TableTopEvents today!


Con of the North is run ENTIRELY by volunteers and we would love your help! Please contact us at info@conofthenorth.org if you would like to volunteer before/after the con.

Otherwise during the con a volunteer shift is 2 hours, a volunteer will receive a special Volunteer Die that has the highest result possible on all of its sides. This can be used one time during the duration of the con (at the discretion of the Game Master).

After every 2 hour shift as a volunteer will also receive a token which can then be exchanged for a prize out of the Bucket of Fun.


Registering as a Judge costs the same as a Player registration and gives the attendee the ability to participate in other games at the convention. In addition, Judges who are fully paid and have their games submitted before the initial submission deadline are eligible for a Judge’s Premium of $5 off the preregistration price.

Submit a Game


Registering as a Referee is $2, the only thing a Referee can do is run events. Referees cannot play in other convention games, nor do they receive any of the premiums that Judges receive. This badge does allow entrance into the Vendor Hall.


Currently accepting applications for 2025!

Our Vendor policy can be found here and the Vendor Timeline and general info can be found here.

Vendor Space applications for Con of the North 2024 are open from May 17 2024 until August 31 2024.  All vendors who submitted applications will receive word of their acceptance status after the meeting on September 10 2024.

Event Sponsors

Vendors, Clubs, Groups, other Conventions are invited to run game or sponsor games during the convention. This is a great way to connect with the local gaming community.

Sponsor Form

Our volunteers will do their best to make sure to get your sponsor information linked up with games submitted.

The deadline to get sponsor information entered to make it into our PDF online Event Book before the convention is December 31st.